Chelsea Shines

Working Hard
December 15, 2009, 8:19 pm
Filed under: Updates | Tags: , ,

Today Chelsea made her first attempt at the standing bar. It was hard, hard work, and Chelsea was not able to fully stand up today, but the therapist did see her putting some pressure on her limbs on her right side. One thing is for certain, she will try again and all bets are that she will be standing on her own two feet again someday soon.

Chelsea's tough workout

A Note from Chelsea’s Dad
December 15, 2009, 3:20 pm
Filed under: Updates | Tags: ,

I am Chelsea’s Dad and I spend as much time as I can with her. Since she has been moved from Odessa to here, she is now only a 5 minute drive away. Today she took her first ride in a wheelchair, and the first place she wanted to go outside. She enjoyed it so much, just to breathe fresh air. She is still unable to walk at this time, but she is talking. At times you can understand what she says and other times you can’t. But it was great to hear my sweet daughter’s voice. God has been holding her in his hands since the accident, and he is working miracles. Please keep our Chelsea in your prayers, for she means the world to me. She is my sunshine and the apple of my eye. God Bless , and I will continue to keep update all of you on her progress.
Love you always Dad